All Pöttinger Novacat 302 Cross Flow Auger models have a hydraulic rear flap opening that can be opened conveniently from the tractor seat using a small control terminal. The CF Cross Flow auger merges the forage to form one swath right after mowing. This forms the basis for a cost-effective and straightforward system for swath merging that is also suitable for straightforward rear-mounted mowers.

The closed design prevents forage losses. Innovative technology ensures there is no ground contact and consequently no forage contamination. The cross flow auger turns the crop as it flows through to accelerate the drying of the forage. When mowing along field boundaries, the cross flow auger can transport the crop to the inside. This is done with the rear flap closed and ensures that the forage remains inside the field boundary during the subsequent tedding process. Because the crop is placed in a swath, it can be collected and transported away directly after mowing. That way the crop does not dry too quickly on hot summer days. For a more intensive drying effect, the rear flap is opened to place a wider and airier blanket of forage.

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