The home stretch of this year’s U.S. corn and soybean crops is still a ways off, unlike recent years when, by this date, farmers would be preparing their combines for harvest.
According to USDA’s Sept. 9 Crop Progress report, 89% of corn acres are in the dough stage of development. A year ago, nearly all, 99% of corn was doughing and the 5 year average is 97%. Only 55% of the crop is dented vs. 84% for this date in 2018 and the 5 year average of 77%. An estimated 11% of this year’s corn is considered mature vs. 33% a year ago and the 5 year average of 24%.
The condition of this year’s corn crop deteriorated slightly compared to the previous week. At this point, 55% of corn acres are reported to be in “good” (45%) and “excellent” (10%) condition. This is down from the previous week when 58% of the crop was in “good” (47%) and “excellent” (11%) condition. This is a significant downgrade from a year ago when 68% of corn was considered to be “good” (47%) and “excellent” (21%) condition.
Soybeans face a similar situation. As of this past Sunday (Sept. 8), 92% of soybeans were setting pods. This is up from 86% a week earlier, but down vs. a year ago when 100% of soybeans acres were setting pods. The 5 year average is 99% for setting pods on this date.
The condition of this year’s crop as of Sept. 8 varied only slightly from the previous week. Overall, 55% of soybeans are said to be in “good” (45%) and “excellent” (10%) condition. A week earlier, the overall condition was also 55% in “good” (46%) and “excellent” (9%) condition. A year ago, 68% of the soybean crop was in “good” (50%) and “excellent” (18%) condition.