USDA noted little change in the overall condition of U.S. corn and soybeans in its July 22 report, but neither crop has been able to close much of the gap when it comes to their maturity levels.
According to the ag agency, 35% of this year’s corn crop is estimated to be silking. This compares to 78% a year ago and the 5 year average of 66% for this date. The report suggests that about 5% of corn acres are in the “dough” stage of development. A year ago, 16% were rated at this stage and the 5 year average was 10%.
The overall condition of the corn crop showed only a slight decline compared to the previous week. USDA estimates that 57% of corn acres are in “good” (47%) and “excellent” (10%) condition. This is down 1% from the previous week (48% “good” and 10% “excellent”).
Some 40% of soybeans are blooming as of this past Sunday. For the same date in 2018, 76% of soybeans were blooming, with the 5 year average being 66% at this point in the growing season. Only 7% of soybeans are setting pods, which is way down from the 41% on this date last year and the 5 year average of 28%.
There was no change from the previous week in the soybean crop’s condition, with 54% in “good” (46%) and “excellent” (8%) condition. Last year on this date, 70% of soybean acres were in “good” (52%) and “excellent” (18%) condition.