Dear farm equipment professional,
The CFO role is not often easily understood outside of the owners, auditors and bankers. Yet measurement of a CFO is very black and white. If the owners’ equity goes up, then it was a good year. If it goes down, it was a bad year.
Kern Machinery needed support for the growth of the larger footprint the company was seeking. Enter Marty Buck. After big-company experience in the computer and food industries, Buck joined Kern Machinery in 2008, excited to play a key role in preparing for both acquisition and succession.
In this FREE eGuide, you’ll learn Buck’s view on what exactly a CFO’s role is, accounting, succession planning, why ag is a great career choice and more.
Set Your Equipment Dealership’s Path to Success
All About the Next Generation
Succession planning is a hot topic these days, and regardless of how you view it, it’s an important step in planning your equipment dealership’s future. During Marty Buck’s inaugural speech to his staff, he let them know “the reason we’re here is to prepare ourselves for the future — and that future is defined as the succession to the next generation.
More Processes & Controls
To be leveraged, auditable and financeable, Buck says you need processes and controls — and no one likes controls. Read as he explains the realization of change necessary to expand the business to a larger footprint, including managing more by processes than by people.
Building Infrastructure
In addition to increasing wealth for the owners, a CFO’s responsibilities also include building the infrastructure for the business to operate. “Setting up your structure is critical. It’s all a part of the analysis function to make the right decisions, and we need to make the right decisions because 3 cents on the dollar gives little room for error,” says Buck.
Download this FREE eGuide and Learn How to Build Infrastructure to Make Your Business Leverageable, Auditable & Financeable
In this FREE eGuide — A CFO’s Guide: Making Your Equipment Dealership Leverageable, Auditable & Financeable — learn how Marty Buck plans ahead in his role as CFO by intentionally building the equipment dealership’s infrastructure to prepare for the person to follow him in the CFO role to seamlessly take over and run the financials without missing a beat.
Yours for a better dealership business,

Kim Schmidt, Executive Editor
Kim is the Executive Editor of Farm Equipment.
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