Harvest Tec’s Model 720 applies hot mist to dry hay in the windrow prior to baling. Alfalfa producers in dry climates now have an affordable option to effectively moisten hay for best possible leaf retention, making higher quality hay with more value. The Dew Simulator adds moisture to the windrow from the bottom up, much the same as natural dew. It is designed to increase hay moisture from 6 to 10% up to a more ideal 14 to 16% level. A 70 to 100 horsepower tractor operates the unit running ahead of the baler.
The Model 720 uses diesel fired heaters to bring water temps up to 240 degrees, then applies the heated mist at a pressure between 250 and 1,200 psi to deliver 20 to 40 micron size moisture droplets. With no special water requirements the operator has the ability to refill a water trailer from any water source.
For more information, please visit www.HarvestTec.com.