The Chem-Blade ES gives operators the ability to handle chemicals efficiently and safely with its hands-free cleaning method. With this system, operators place the jug inside, close the lid and hit the appropriate buttons.
The system has an ergonomic tank with a capacity for 50 gallons, allowing it to process 1-2.5 gallon jugs and up to 50 pound dry product bags. Once the lid is closed and the machine is turned on, it cuts open the jug and washes it for the set time. Inside, the jug is cut open and rinsed out with an industrial rinse nozzle. The lid opens at the end of the cleaning cycle.
Instructions for use are easy to access with placement directly in front of the keypad. The controls on the tank have the option for adjustable rinse times and a two-hand touch button to ensure safety when cutting bags and jugs. There is also a sight gauge on the side allowing for the operator to see tank capacity.
The lower tank comes with 2-3 inch venture plumbing options and an ergonomic induction valve that is easy to engage. There is also a 2-inch strainer at the back to keep the rinse free of debris.
Optional additions to the Chem-Blade ES include an integrated air compressor and the Chem-Blade Caddy. The caddy can be mounted on the side of the ES and integrated into the plumbing.
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