USDA is reporting the condition of both corn and soybeans dipped somewhat in the past week but remain significantly ahead of where they were one year ago.
As of August 6, 71% of corn acres are rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (21%) vs. 72% a week earlier when 72% of the crop was rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (22%). A year ago, 60% of corn was reported to be “good” (47%) and “excellent” (13%).
Meanwhile, the condition of soybeans slipped somewhat with 67% of the crop said to be “good” (51%) and “excellent” (16%) condition. The previous week, 70% of soybeans were rated as “good” (53%) and “excellent” (17%). A year earlier, the ag agency reported that 60% of soybean acres were rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (10%).
Nearly the entire corn crop is at the silking stage. As of Sunday, 96% of U.S. corn acres are reported to be silking. This compares with 91% last week, 95% last year on this date and the 5 year average of 92%. USDA says that 57% of corn is in the dough stage, well ahead of 38% last week, 39% last year on August 5 and the 5 year average of 37%.
For the first time this year, USDA is reporting on corn acres that are dented. Currently 12% are at this stage vs. 0% a week earlier and 6% a year ago and the 5 year average of 6%.
According to the latest report, 92% of soybeans are blooming, up from 86% the week prior, 89% last year on this date and the 5 year average of 86%. About three-quarters of soybeans are setting pods. This compares with 60% last week, 63% last year and the 5 year average of 58%.