Little change is seen from a week ago in the conditions of 2018 U.S. corn and soybean crops, according to USDA. Both crops continue their rapid rate of maturation vs. previous week and 5 year averages.
No change is reported in the condition U.S. corn acres as of July 22 vs. July 15 and it remains far ahead of the rating of a year ago. Currently, 72% of corn acres are rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (22%). A year earlier, 62% of the crop was rated as “good” (49%) and “excellent” (13%).
As far as progress goes, 81% of this year’s corn crop is silking. This compares with 63% a week earlier, 63% a year earlier and the 5 year average of 62%. Some 18% of the crop is at the dough stage compared to 8% last year on this date and the 5 year average of 8%.
For soybeans, 70% are rated as “good” (52%) and “excellent” (18%), which is 1% ahead of the previous week when 69% of soybean acres were rated as “good” (53%) and “excellent” (16%). This compares with 57% last year on July 22 with 47% rated as “good” and 10% as “excellent.”
Soybeans blooming — 78% of the crop — remained well ahead of last year’s pace of 67% on this date and the 5 year average of 63%. Some 44% of soybean acres are setting pods vs. 26% a week earlier, 27% a year ago and the 5 year average of 23%.