Available as a free download from the App Store or Google Play for use on iOS and Android devices, the Kugler Timing, Application and Product Recommendation App can also be accessed via the Internet at www.kuglerapp.com. To find the ideal Kugler product, along with the application rate and timing, the user simply selects the crop from a list of 11 different options and chooses the growth stage based on an illustration that shows each stage of plant development from emergence through harvest. The app lists the most effective product(s) for that growth stage, along with the rate per acre.
In addition to listing the recommended Kugler product and application timing for everything from corn and soybeans to canola and lentils, the App also lists the stage at which a Kugler liquid fertilizer product can be safely mixed with a herbicide, insecticide or fungicide.
For more information, please visit www.KuglerApp.com.