It continues to be slow going when it comes getting crops in the ground for much of the mid-section of the U.S. as cold, wet weather is just beginning to let up in the big corn and soybean states.

USDA estimates that only about 5% of corn has been planted as of April 22. This compares with the 5-year average of 14% and last year’s 15% on this date.

Here’s a quick rundown on how things standard as of Sunday in some of the largest corn producing states.

  4/22/18 4/22/17 Avg. 2013-2017
Illinois 4% 30% 20%
Indiana 1% 13% 5%
Iowa 0% 7% 11%
Minnesota 0% 5% 13%
Missouri 16% 42% 35%
Nebraska 2% 15% 9%

USDA also reports that only about 2% of soybeans have been planted so far. This is about equal the 5-year average, but down from 5% a year ago.