Kuhn Krause Excelerator® 8005
The Kuhn Krause Excelerator revolutionized the vertical-tillage market by providing features like adjustable gang angles, constant-flow hydraulic down-pressure, Excalibur® CT blades and Star Wheel™ treaders. Each of these features combine to create a true vertical-tillage product with unsurpassed performance. Field surface leveling, clod downsizing and residue management are accomplished with a single high speed pass. No daily grease maintenance features, coupled with true-width RTK operation, promote optimum operator productivity. Cover crop applications can now be accomplished with the optional Kuhn Krause CCX 9000 seeder.The Excelerator 8005 is available in 11- to 50-foot working widths.
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Great Plains Max-Chisel™
The aggressive Great Plains Max-Chisel™ performs primary tillage at a shallower depth and leaves fields smoother than most traditional disk rippers. With a patented “samurai edge,” the blades remove root balls while chopping and incorporating residue in the top 4- to 5-inches of soil, accelerating the decaying process. It also leaves enough surface level for a single-pass tool to finish the field ahead of the planter in the spring. Angled chopper wheels combine with 15-inch shank spacing to pull dirt back into the shank voids, leveling the soil while maintaining the vertically-tilled profile left by the shanks.
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VT-REX Disc Blades from Bellota
To meet today’s vertical tillage needs, Bellota has introduced a new concave disc called VT-REX with a curved wave profile and extra sharp blade. This design effectively cuts through heavy residue and into the soil.
The VT-REX is equipped with 20 curved waves in a unique saw tooth design that allows the blade to capture and size the toughest residue, making it an ideal choice for vertical tillage. The unique flute design allows the blade to maintain its cutting ability during its work life. It has excellent clod crushing ability and performs extremely well in soft soils.
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Ingersoll EDGE Special Purpose Coulters
Ingersoll has developed a new family of game-changing tillage products that are not available elsewhere. These products give today’s producers a significant EDGE with their tillage, planting and seeding practices. These special purpose coulters are endowed with unique properties of material quality and design to be able to manage residue, while providing the exact amount of soil tillage desired. Plus, their patented design maintains its cutting edge throughout its working life. Major OEMs recognize these advantages and have made this new family of products the popular choice for their new equipment offerings.
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McFarlane’s NEW Reel Disk Model — The Cobra
The Cobra Reel Disk models feature Ingersoll Disk Blades in both standard and heavy-duty sizes. Available in working widths from 12- to 45-feet, the 4100 Series Reel Disks feature hydraulically adjustable gangs from 5- to 13-degrees followed by a Dura-Reel® that crosscuts residue and mixes it into the soil, aiding decomposition. The versatile finishing options ensure accurate seed depth and seed-to-soil contact at planting, resulting in even emergence and better yields. McFarlane is also offering a Cobra update kit to enable converting older 4000 and 4100 Series Reel Disks to the new configurations. The Cobras are available as new units from the factory, and the kits offer the potential for thousands of existing units to be updated, achieving the most aggressive cutting tool on the market.
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Smart-Till by T.G. Schmeiser
The Smart-Till by T.G. Schmeiser is the ultimate tool for improving soil health and plant vigor. The patented self-sharpening tine system fractures and laterally shatters the soil profile more than 8-inches deep. This action creates improved air and water exchange, which offers many benefits for spring and fall tillage. Available 10- to 30-feet wide, the Smart-Till excels at residue management by fraying and promoting soil contact. The optional rear rotary harrows smooth, level and loosened soil for an optimal field finish. The adjustability of both the tines and the rear harrows makes the Smart-Till the ultimate performer in almost any field condition.
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Myers Spring Laser Tooth Tines™
Laser Tooth Tines™ from Myers Spring Co. feature new and proprietary anti-wear surfacing for a dramatic increase in tine life. Thoroughly tested over the last 3 years in all regions of the US and Canada, this improvement has extended life by as much as 5-times longer than untreated tines. The resulting improvement in tine life offers greater cost-savings-per-acre than any wear resistant solution for tillage tines. With the improved wear rate, engagement pressures and angles are easier to control, making the leveling of seedbeds much more consistent for better germination, which equals better yields. Myers Spring Laser Tooth Tines are available in wire sizes up to 0.750-inches — the largest in the field.
Laser Tooth Tines = Better Seed Bed = Better Yields.
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