Mattracks, provider of track conversions, introduces the TA9000-H0-3000 for Swathers. It’s adaptable to many brands and most headers. With almost 1700 square inches of ground contact and an aggressive tread, the TA9000-H0-3000 provides insurance against bad weather as it can be bolted on in as little as an hour. It takes up very little space when not being used and maintains its value for many years.
The need for tracks on swathers isn’t new. It’s critical with crops that have to be cut within a short window; otherwise it will shell out in the wind. Considering the impact of losing one’s crop because it can’t be swathed at the appropriate time and one quickly sees the value this system offers.
In addition, it reduces compaction which can impact yields for years to come and reduces ruts caused by tires. Flotation tires can help some; however stability is greatly compromised with larger floater tires as they tend to bounce and rock to and fro. The larger the machine and the wider the header, tires quickly lead to unstable conditions. Customers are now using tracks all the time to provide a safe and stable machine in addition to the many other benefits.
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