This “How to Sell: Tile Plows” eGuide shares how to market tile plows to the right customers and it’s FREE!
Dear Manager,
A great dealership knows how to sell the right equipment to the right customer, in the right place, at the right time. Developing a sales pitch and marketing strategy for any highly-niched piece of equipment is essential to a successful farm equipment dealership.
To have success with a specific segment like tile plows, you must learn how to effectively match and market the application of this tiling equipment to the needs of your customer base.
We’ve compiled advice from dealers like you on how to successfully sell tile plows into a special, 6-page eGuide download – and we’ve made it absolutely FREE to get it into the hands of as many dealers as possible.
Detailed insights from dealers, compiled by the most trusted name in farm equipment
This eGuide includes tips from successful dealers on how to sell tile plows in your farm equipment business. These are the kind of useful nuggets of advice that will make a real difference in selling this piece of niche equipment. It’s the kind of eGuide you and your team will turn to time and again as the discussion of tiling keeps coming up.
How to Sell: Tile Plows is a comprehensive, foundational guide with information from top dealers on how to create a successful tile plow business. It is simple, straightforward and actionable. In fact, this eGuide is designed to help you…
- Discover the benefits a tile plow offers your customers.
- Find the right customer to sell your product to.
- Market the product with a successful sales pitch.
- Calculate ROI on your product.
- Improve your own knowledge of the equipment and tiling process.
Of course, we know you’re very busy. But we both know the dealer ill prepared to sell a specific piece of equipment loses the sale to the competition. Increasing your knowledge and experience of marketing a specific niche product like tile plows helps your entire operation function more efficiently through a diverse customer base and product line. Consider this:
- The secret to increasing crop yields without adding extra acreage is to develop a drainage system. Tile plows assist in the drainage system and tiling process.
- The biggest obstacle in a sales pitch is convincing a customer they are capable of operating the machinery.
- A customer may already have some of the equipment required for a tile plow.
We know time is money. But if you did nothing more than skim this FREE eGuide , you’d be significantly ahead.
Farm Equipment is dedicated entirely to helping dealers improve their businesses. Editors make it their job to discover and eGuide on new product segments in which dealers are finding success. Did you know…
Who is the right customer for tile plows?
Would you be surprised to discover that farm size is not the determining factor in the perfect customer for tile plows? While size can play a difference in the purchasing decisions of a farmer, the customer’s knowledge and prior experience with the equipment is even more vital.
- The customer has existing tools that are needed for a tile plow.
- The customer has experience with tiling before the purchase.
- The standard customer that purchases tile plows has 800-1,000 acres, but smaller farmers also can benefit from the equipment.
To understand how to market to these ideal customers, read our FREE eGuide, How to Sell: Tile Plows.
Tips & Advice from dealers doing it daily
This eGuide includes tips and advice from two top dealers who have had success in selling tile plows at their dealerships. The eGuide also includes insights on how to market a specific piece of farm equipment to customers through a variety of sales techniques and customer relationship skills.
That’s the kind of actionable information you get throughout this FREE eGuide — presented in clear, straightforward language that gets to the heart of what you need to sell your customers on the benefits of owning a tile plow.
But you also get more than just tips from dealers; you’ll gain insight into the inner workings of a successful dealership and the thought processes of potential customers. You’ll get answers to these vital areas:
- How to gain experience operating tile plows and the tiling and drainage system
- Calculate the payback costs of a tile plow
- Why tiling yourself is more beneficial than hiring a contractor
For every suggestion you execute, you’ll gain the confidence and assurance of a successful dealership with satisfied customers.
Read this free eGuide right now to learn how to successfully add this niche product to your equipment lineup.
Takeaways for your dealership
In addition to wealth of advice this in-depth eGuide delivers, it also provides actionable takeaways that you and your dealership team can use today:
- Do your homework on the equipment and the drainage process so you can answer any question a customer may have with confidence in your qualifications.
- When marketing the ROI, discuss with the customer the cost to install tiles with and without a contractor’s assistance.
- Talk with the customer about what equipment they may already have in order to determine if they can handle the addition of a tile plow.
These are just some of the takeaways you’ll find by downloading this free 6-page eGuide and reviewing it over your cup of morning coffee.
Here’s a few more...
- Know which type of tile plow works better for your customer - a mounted plow or a pull-type plow - and market accordingly.
- Discuss with the customer the full potential of increased yield during your sales pitch.
And that’s just the beginning of what you’ll learn. Roll these tips from your peers around and you’ll find energy to get started today.
By now I’m sure you see the value of this eGuide and what this knowledge can do for your business. And because you’ve taken the time to read this, you’re clearly a person who values how changes in farm practices mean opportunities for equipment sales and dealers’ role in supporting those changes.
That means you’re exactly the kind of person we hope to reach with How to Sell: Tile Plows — one who explores opportunities in new areas, not just the “same old, same old.”
What better way to move forward than with this practical – FREE – eGuide?
Are you selling your farm equipment to the right customer base?
Do you have the knowledge of drainage systems to successfully market your tile plows?
What is the difference between a mounted and a pull-type plow?
Then download this free eGuide right now, and get started. The minute you do, you start the momentum toward a knowledge investment that brings the kind of thought and exploration every dealer needs to complete.
Yours for a better farm equipment industry,
This whitepaper is delivered to you courtesy of Soil-Max. Soil-Max creates effective tools for agricultural drainage to help you produce higher yields. For more information, visit SoilMax.com.