The “good” to “excellent” condition of both U.S. corn and soybean crops are reported to be at pretty much the same level as the previous week and the 5-year average, according to USDA’s latest Crop Progress report.
As of July 19, 55% of corn acres were silking. This is up from 27% a week earlier. It compares with 53% a year ago and the 5-year average of 56%. USDA also reported that 69% of corn was is “good” (52%) or “excellent” condition. This is the same as the previous week, except 54% was rated as “good” and 15% was rated as “excellent.”
USDA reported that 56% of soybeans were blooming as of Sunday, which is the same level as the 5-year average and 1% higher than a year ago. Last week, 38% of soybeans were blooming. Accordingly, 17% of soybeans were setting pods as of July 19, exactly the same as the 5-year average and 1% behind last year’s 18%.
At 62%, the condition of the soybean crop remained at the same level as the previous week (50% “good” and 12% “excellent"). But conditions of U.S. soybeans remained significantly behind the 5-year average of 73% (57% “good” and 16% “excellent).