Here's a list of the most popular items we've published at from the month of April:
1. Columns & Opinions: Majors Led By Home-Run Seeking MBAs is Problem
2. Wired Magazine - Deere Claims Through Copyright Office That Farmers Don't Own Their Tractors
4. The Balance Sheet, Leverage & Turnover: Birkey’s Training Primer
5. Tillage or No-Tillage: High Yields or Soil Health?
6. Industry Q&A: A Dealer's Ideal Revenue Mix
7. John Deere Included Among America's Best Employers
8. From the Deck of Dave Kanicki: A Lot Fewer, But Much Larger Dealers
9. On The Record: How Will Drought Impact Equipment Sales?
10. On The Record: No-Till Farmers Say They'll Spend Less on Equipment in 2015
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