Rocky Mountain Dealerships Inc. has entered into a Distribution Partnership Agreement with Clean Seed Capital Group Ltd.
Over a three year, renewable period starting in 2016, Rocky will manage exclusive sales areas with agreed-upon sales commitments for the Clean Seed's CX-6 SMART Seeder.
Rocky's initial CX-6 order commitments for 2016 delivery are for key locations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Manitoba, in preparation for initial sales of 2016 product, as well as spring 2016 demonstrations by RME, with a commitment for all 33 RME agricultural retail locations in Western Canada to sell and demonstrate the CX-6 SMART Seeder starting in 2017 and beyond.
Clean Seed and Rocky will work collaboratively to determine the sales volume commitments and the launch plan of the CX-6 SMART Seeder over the coming months for Rocky's agricultural retail locations across Western Canada.
SMART-Seeding System
Clean Seed has spent years developing what it calls a SMART seeding system that incorporates several of their own proprietary technologies, including in-ground openers, seed and fertilizer metering and electronic control systems. The first piece of equipment they’ll be bringing to market is the CX-6 Smart Seeder, which allows for precise plantings based on farmers’ own specifications. The CX-6 is scalable between 40 - 90 feet and targeted towards operations using air seeding technology.
The machine separates and meters out fertilizer and seed amounts based on farmer specifications. The CX-6 also adjusts those measurements as it goes, such as compensating for turns in order to cut down on wasted seeds and fertilize. It allows for up to six products to be metered on the go, all controlled wirelessly through a Bluetooth-enabled touchpad.
Clean Seed was the first to develop wireless “smart” seeding technology. The CX-6 also has on-the-go filling capabilities, via a tow-behind 430 bushel tank that refills the front tank as you are seeding.