Nearly Half of Dealers Say Used Inventory Remains 'Too High'
North American farm equipment dealers continue reporting that their new equipment inventories are “too low” and the used equipment portfolios remain “too high,” according to the most recent dealer survey by Ag Equipment Intelligence and Cleveland Research Co.
New Equipment. New equipment inventory remains tight as a net 35% of dealers categorize their new inventory as “too low” (9% too high; 46% about right; 45% too low) down form a net 40% last month.
Used Equipment. Dealers continue to express concerns about their used equipment catalogue as a net 4% of dealers now categorize their used inventory levels as “too high” (25% too high; 47% about right; 29% too low) compared to a net 1% last month.
Used Combines. Within their used equipment lineups, a net 34% of dealers also reported used combine inventory levels are still “too high” (43% too high; 47% about right; 9% too low).