Farm Equipment

Nearly All Corn in the Ground, 71% Emerged

May 25, 2010

USDA (May 24,2010) Yesterday, USDA reported that 93% of the corn crop has been planted with 71% of it emerged. The pace of planting this year continues far ahead of last year and slightly ahead of the 5-year average.

Last year at this time, 80% of corn acres were planted and 50% emerged. Over the past 5 years, the acreage planting average is 89% and emergence average is 62%.
USDA also reported that all of the corn that has emerged so far is in “good” or “excellent” condition. It also reported 85% of the spring wheat crop is in “good” or “excellent condition. Winter wheat conditions are also much better this year, with 66% rated in “good” or “excellent” condition compared with only 45% last year.