Digi-Star Nutrient Tracker
The Digi-Star Nutrient Tracker is a new application management and documentation system for manure and fertilizer spreading.
Digi-Star’s proprietary software works with GPS to document nutrient application and provide mapping.
Using the NT460 indicator, operators can monitor the application rate on-the-go, and the system easily generates reports in PDF or Excel format. Operators can store all weight and GPS information to USB memory devices and transfer the data to Nutrient Tracker PC software.
The NT 460 scale indicator displays actual tons-per-acre and allows operators to calculate fertilizer value of their manure with scales on the spreader.
Digi-Star says the system can help applicators comply with EPA and DNR CAGO regulations and provide evidence of conforming to USDA/NRCS’ Animal Waste Management rules.
For more information, send an e-mail to Terry Olson at terry.olson@digi-star.com