Farm Equipment

Art’s Way Purchases Auger Production Building in South Dakota

July 23, 2009

Art’s Way Manufacturing, Inc. (NASDAQ: ARTW), a manufacturer and distributor of niche agricultural machinery equipment and services, has announced that it has purchased the 15,000 square-foot production facility they have been leasing to produce portable grain augers in Salem, S.D.. The company closed on the plant purchase on March 29, 2010 and paid approximately $ 194,000.

J. Ward McConnell, Jr., Executive Chairman of the Board, said,“The auger business opened up to us with the closing of the Feterl business and the purchase of this facility is a smart and cost effective move for us. At Art’s Way, we are committed to customer service and helping farmers grow their business. They know they can trust us to deliver. This facility and the experienced, knowledgeable local work force has allowed us to offer a top quality line of 8”, 10”and 12” diameter Commercial Top Drive Augers as well as Commercial Swing and Galvanized Commercial Swing Drive Augers in lengths from 34 feet to over 120 feet. We not only manufacture augers, we also carry a complete supply of replacement parts for Art’s Way auger and parts for auger not produced by Art’s Way.

“We are filling new orders every day, and expect to continue gain market share each quarter. As of March 31, 2010 our auger backlog stands at $2.8 million."