Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn. Spring Clinic Features Dealer Panel
The Farm Equipment Manufacturers Assn. (FEMA) Spring Clinic in Kansas City, April 8-10, will feature a special dealer panel discussion on Saturday, April 10, from 1:00 to 2:15 p.m. This is the second year that FEMA has included this type of session at its Spring Clinic. This year's FEMA president John McCoy, President of Orthman Manufacturing, will be leading our Dealer Panel Discussion with the following dealers.
Todd Kunau, Kunau Implement Company. From its earliest beginnings in 1936, Kunau Implement has been a family owned business with strong commitment to meeting the needs of their customer. Kunau operates out of stores in DeWitt and Preston, IA and its major lines are Chase IH and New Holland. Todd is the third generation in the family business and is focused on employee training of products and service. In August of 2007, Farm Equipment magazine bestowed “Best in Class” status on Kunau Implement from a field of peers and in 2008, they were chosen “Best in Class Dealer of the Year”.
Owen Palm, 21th Century Equipment, LLC. The firm has six locations covering the western third of Nebraska and employs 180 full-time workers, and has annual sales over $125 million. The business, which started in 1996, is headquartered in Bridgeport, NE and their major line is John Deere. Specialty equipment lines represented are: Orthman, Reinke Center Pivots, Amity Technology, Art's Way, H&S, Westfield and DuraTech (Haybuster).
Darrell Pankratz, PrairieLand Partners. PrairieLand operates eight stores throughout Kansas, along with its central office located in Hutchinson, where Darrell is the manager. Their major line is John Deere along with 15 various shortline manufacturers, most of which are members of this Association.
Dick Price, Price Brothers Equipment Company. Price Bros. Equipment Co. has had continuous Price family ownership since 1938 and Dick Price has served as President since 1976. Dick says, “Our mission is to provide customers with products and services of superior value. We also provide our employees with an environment that rewards individual growth and helps them to seek personal satisfaction. I am very proud to be part of a company whose employee's average age is 42 and whose average length of employment is 13 years.”
For more information on the meeting, click here