Farm Equipment
Featured Product

Transpread Fertilizer and Lime Spreaders

July 16, 2009

80tcs.pngGVM is the leading innovator in precision spinner spreading technology.

GVM introduced the Transpread Computer Spread in 1993, proving to the industry that fertilizer could be spread wider than 60 feet. We accomplished this with a never-before-seen 90-foot flat pattern. The spinner design raised the bar with the highest quality spread pattern in today's industry.

The Transpread Computer Spread will cover 50-100% more acres a day, saving precious fuel while cutting down on yield-robbing compaction. With no tray adjustment, the spread pattern is easy to calibrate with the PWM Automatic computer-controlled spinners and conveyor.

Capable of spreading fertilizer, lime, gypsum, and most fowl manures, the Transpread Computer Spread will become an important asset in your line of application equipment.

Features include:

  • 304 stainless steel construction
  • 33 in. cleated conveyor belt in a live roller trough with virtually no
  • bridging
  • Fold up rear spinner deflectors for spreading lime
  • Low profile for easy loading
  • Top-mounted, dual hydraulic-driven dished spinners
  • Spread pattern: lime spreads 35 or 45 feet, and fertilizer spreads from 60-90 ft.
  • Low center of gravity for spreading on hill sides
  • Controller options: GVM Dual can system with can enclosure, featuring the Raven Viper Pro, Raven Envizio Pro, Raven SCS 5000, Ag Leader InSight or Ag Leader Edge controllers.

For more information, e-mail Denny Stahl at GVM.