Farm Equipment

Salford AB640 90-foot Air Boom Applicator

October 6, 2024

The Salford AB640 90-foot Air Boom Applicator combines the high-capacity features of Salford's 9620 pull-type applicator with the durability and precision of the 90-foot booms on Salford chassis-mounted applicators. It delivers unprecedented efficiency and accurate application of fertilizer, crop protection products and seed.

The AB640 boosts operational efficiency by covering 22% more ground per pass compared to traditional 70-foot applicators. Its 90-foot swath reduces the number of passes needed, saving time and minimizing soil compaction. Producers can slow down without sacrificing overall application speed.

With a 640 cubic foot hopper, a heavy-duty walking tandem and dual 800r/65 tires, the AB640 ensures safe and comfortable handling. A 100 cubic foot micro-bin with optional secondary metering allows precise application of micro-nutrients or crop protection products. This enables producers to accomplish more with each pass.

A Raven RCM controls precision application on the AB640, managing variable rate functions and left/right section control for the main hopper metering and the micro-bin. The optional Raven XRT auto-boom technology maintains a consistent boom height. It protects the boom from ground strikes and enhances application precision by maintaining proper pattern overlap.

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