Farm Equipment
Boots on the Ground
What Ray McCormick Values in His Dealer.jpg

[Video] What Ray McCormick Values in His Dealer

March 26, 2024

Award-winning farmer and No-Till Farmer Conservation Ag Operator Fellow Ray McCormick talks about his long history of working with Alliance Tractor, particularly Sales Representative Ryan Seger, with whom he shares a passion for no-till farming and cover crops.

 Yetter Farm Equipment

Farm Equipment's Boots on the Ground series is brought to you by Yetter Farm Equipment.

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Yetter Farm Equipment has been providing farmers with residue management, fertilizer placement, and seedbed preparation solutions since 1930. Today, Yetter equipment is your answer for success in the face of ever-changing production agriculture challenges. Yetter offers a full lineup of planter attachments designed to perform in varying planting conditions, multiple options for precision fertilizer placement, strip-till units, and stalk rollers for your combine. Yetter products maximize your inputs, save you time, and deliver return on your investment. Visit them at

Ben editorial

Ben Thorpe

Ben Thorpe worked with Lessiter Media from 2019 to 2024, working as the Associate Research Editor of Farm Equipment and Ag Equipment Intelligence. He graduated with a writing degree from Carroll University.