Farm Equipment

Bobcat Denies Union Claims Regarding Planned U.S. Layoffs

September 27, 2023

Bobcat has denied a claim by the President of Local 560 United Steelworkers that the company will cut jobs and build a new plant in Mexico. According to a report from KFGO, Local 560 President Cody Parrow claimed the new plant will result in a loss of 300-500 jobs, mostly at Bobcat's Gwinner, N.D., facility. Parrow claimed other jobs at Bobcat's Rogers, Minn., plant will also likely be cut, citing lower labor costs in Mexico.

Farm Equipment reached out to Bobcat for commentary and received the following statement;

As a global company that builds and sells products around the world, we are exploring opportunities to address current workforce challenges and facility constraints and identify ways to support market demand and growth. We are committed to creating and maintaining quality employment opportunities and our recent investments in our facilities throughout our global footprint are proof of that commitment. In fact, we recently announced a number of new facilities and expansions of existing manufacturing operations worldwide.
Our goal is to meet growing customer demand and there are no current plans to lower staffing levels at our facilities. In fact, we have grown the number of employees within the majority of our locations and continue to have open positions to fill. At this time, we do not have any updates to share; we will share additional information if available.  

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