Farm Equipment
This Week
Farm Equipment Best of the Web

Farm Equipment's Best of the Web: Nov. 25, 2022

November 25, 2022

Farm Equipment editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great farm machinery industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by CLEANFIX.



Proven in the most demanding of ag conditions, CLEANFIX reversible fans provide the most efficient diesel engine cooling and radiator cleaning available. The multi-patented reversing fan technology maintains machine cooling as needed and, when required, provides the strongest blowout of dust and debris -- without halting or slowing operations.

NAEDA Recognizes Tom Rosztoczy as its Dealer of the Year

Tom is respected by his fellow dealers and is viewed as a man with high integrity” stated Kim Rominger, NAEDA CEO. “As the Chair of the Equipment Dealers Association, Tom led the Long-Range Planning Committee and merger process that has resulted in the new North American Equipment Dealers Association. There is no doubting of his visionary and leadership skills, and he is a worthy recipient of this award." Read more about Rosztoczy and Stotz Equipment here.

Tom Rosztoczy

Messick's Shares Peak into Kubota's Plans for the Future of Ag Equipment

Neil Messick takes on a video tour of some of the highlights from Kubota's recent dealer meeting. Kubota showcased several prototypes at the recent dealer meeting. Some of these may be seen in the near future in Europe while others are still early in the design process.

To List the Price or Not to List, That is the Question

Who can relate? What's your take on listing the price of equipment in your ads. Are your customers like the gentleman in this video who can't be bothered to pick up the phone to find out how much something costs?

From the Archives: Happy Thanksgiving from the Farm Equipment Team

Publisher Mike Lessiter had fun with some new video editing software on his computer and he made this video 8 years ago. You'll notice he conveniently left himself out of it.

The Case IH Story

This 5-minute video graphically illustrated the chronological evolution of the Case IH brand over the course of its history — from horse drawn to horsepower.

Product Video of the Week: Swarm Farm Robotics Expands Autonomous Farming in Australia and Beyond

Ag technology company Swarm Farm Robotics discuss how their experiences on Australian farms helped inform the decision making when developing their robots. Having grown to more than one million acres using their robots, the company is looking to expand their operations outside of Australia.

Their integrated autonomous equipment revolves around using a base robot platform which is then customized for the needs of that farm by partnering with third party manufacturers.

Is there something you want to share in "This Week"? Send us an email.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by CLEANFIX.

Proven in the most demanding of ag conditions, CLEANFIX reversible fans provide the most efficient diesel engine cooling and radiator cleaning available. The multi-patented reversing fan technology maintains machine cooling as needed and, when required, provides the strongest blowout of dust and debris -- without halting or slowing operations.


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