Farm Equipment
Felling Trailers Utility Reel R Series_1022 copy

Felling Trailers Utility Reel “R” Series

October 22, 2022

Felling Trailers' Utility Reel “R” Series auto-locking reel bar system eliminates the use of pins and brackets; it now utilizes a locking plate system. The "R" series product line offers payload capacities ranging from 1,740 to 13,520 pounds. All models have the capability to load up to a 120 inch diameter reel.

Enhanced operator and transport safety, the auto-locking reel bar system's locking plates automatically open when lowering the reel to the ground for unloading. As the reel is loaded and raised, the locking plates automatically close to contain the reel bar. Once the reel is raised to transport position, spring-loaded pins automatically lock the slides into place. When the pins lock, they provide visual validation to the operator that the reel is properly locked for transport. A green marker on the spring-loaded pins is only visible when the reel bar is properly secured. The green indicators can be viewed from the rear-view mirrors of the tow vehicle, making transporting conduit, fiber optic cable, inner duct, and many other reel-mounted materials a safe and secure experience for any operator.

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