Farm Equipment
This Week
Farm Equipment Best of the Web

Farm Equipment's Best of the Web: Aug. 5, 2022

August 5, 2022

Farm Equipment editors encounter a variety of articles, social media posts, podcasts and videos that offer a unique look at various aspects of our great farm machinery industry. Here is our favorite content from the past week from across the web:

Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by CLEANFIX.



Proven in the most demanding of ag conditions, CLEANFIX reversible fans provide the most efficient diesel engine cooling and radiator cleaning available. The multi-patented reversing fan technology maintains machine cooling as needed and, when required, provides the strongest blowout of dust and debris -- without halting or slowing operations.

Are You A Good Boss or A Bad Boss?

The Iowa-Nebraska Dealers Assn. shared this article on social media early this week. In it they share 5 ways dealers can be a better boss, including improving communication skills, setting reasonable objectives, celebrating the positive and avoiding micromanaging.

cartoon drawing of boss yelling at employee


‘I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!’

Stuart Smalley’s affirmations aside, we found this item on attributes of top salespeople in ag fascinating. It was posted by David Dam on LinkedIn this week. Dam’s data shows how the most elite salespeople differ from the also-rans on several attributes that are often celebrated, yet actually get in the way of closing business with farmers.

table showing sales percentile correlated with relationship style with customers


Vermeer Makes National News on Labor Shortage

Vermeer Corporation is highlighted on NBC Nightly News. The company explained that demand is so high for its equipment that finding enough qualified employees to meet it is becoming increasingly difficult. NBC News …

NBC nightly news snippet inflation


Waging a Water War: Could Traditional Planting Attachments Go the Way of the Buggy Whip?

Several new water jet advancements are picking a fight with the traditional iron attachments. You may recall our 2019 article profiling Aqua-Till. We just received an another newer look at this technology in the video below. As one dealer warns, a water jet planter could potentially replace coulters, row cleaners and double disc openers all together, leading to a "forever planter."


If Elvis Presley Calls For a Tractor Repair…

Rural Lifestyle Dealer’s expert blogger Tim Brannon is quickly developing a following with his new blog, “Equipment Dealer Tips, Tales & Takeaways.” Monday’s release is a humorous look at internal and external communications within equipment dealerships, including how his best parts counter man put his foot in his mouth with a new customer.

Tim Brannon Equipment Dealer Tips, Tales, & takeaways

Product of the Week: North Star Attachments Verminator

The Verminator is the most efficient and effective way to deal with vermin who burrow in your fields, orchards, and vineyards. It makes pest maintenance a breeze for you and your team. The Verminator is available nationwide and throughout Canada. Visit for more information.

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Best of the Web This Week is brought to you by CLEANFIX.

Proven in the most demanding of ag conditions, CLEANFIX reversible fans provide the most efficient diesel engine cooling and radiator cleaning available. The multi-patented reversing fan technology maintains machine cooling as needed and, when required, provides the strongest blowout of dust and debris -- without halting or slowing operations.


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