Farm Equipment

Deere to Move Cab Production to Mexico

June 2, 2022

In a statement to Farm Equipment, John Deere stated it will "consolidate the manufacturing of cabs from the Tractor and Cab Assembly Operations (TCAO) to Ramos Component Works in Mexico." 

Deere's full statement reads as follows:

John Deereā€™s plan to bring new product programs to our operations in Waterloo, Iowa makes it necessary to consolidate the manufacturing of cabs from the Tractor and Cab Assembly Operations (TCAO) to Ramos Component Works in Mexico. The decision to move cab production ensures the company can balance workforce needs within the tight labor market, while also ensuring Waterloo can open up floor space to manufacture new products.

The move is expected to be completed during the 2024 fiscal year. The number of employees affected will depend on where the business is with respect to production volumes, employee attrition over the next two years, and new product program needs.

We estimate that approximately 250 production employees could be impacted, but anticipate attrition and the tight job market will mitigate that impact.

Deere confirmed there were over 3,400 employees at the Waterloo plant, 450 being salary and 1,100 production in its Waterloo Tractor Cab Assembly Operations. Deere declined to specify what the new product plans would be, saying, "It is common practice to prepare our business operations ahead of

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