Farm Equipment

S3 Group Acquires TEMP Farm Equipment

January 10, 2022

The S3 Group has acquired TEMP Farm Equipment Ltd (OBA AWS Airbar Worldwide Solutions) of Mitchell, Ont. From its roots as a customer­-based innovation coming out of the service department  of a John Deere dealership, AWS is best known for its state-of-the-art airbars that introduce airflow into the header of a combine, reducing shatter loss, increasing yield and improving ground  speed. AWS product is sold worldwide with an extensive dealer network throughout North America, Europe, South Africa, Australia and Japan.

AWS Operations Manager Mark MacDonald will take on the role of General Manager, responsible for day-to-day operations, product development and distribution. Operations of AWS will continue in the beautiful community of Mitchell, Ont.

AWS and S3 have a long history together, as the rotors used in AWS's flagship airbar are manufactured by S3 Air Systems. With its reputation for customer service and innovation, AWS is a great fit for the Swift Current, Sask., headquartered S3. States S3 Group CEO, Richelle Andreas, "I have tremendous respect for the business that Jeff Dolmage, Mike De Corte and their partners have built. They have demonstrated a corporate culture of customer responsiveness, actively developing employees for success and a world-class product. This acquisition makes S3 stronger and I am excited about what it means for our future."

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