Farm Equipment

Messick’s 2020 Christmas Light Show Raises Over $62,000 in Donations

January 6, 2021

ELIZABETHTOWN, Pa. — Messick’s Christmas Light Show in Elizabethtown, Pa., raised a total of $62,006 from 5,462 cars that attended the event. The event set record numbers with over a 25% rise in attendance and over 50% increase in donations from previous years. For 2020, the show was open to the public as a drive-in show that ran every evening from December 3 through the 30th with the help of volunteers who run the show and collect donations for local charities. This marks the eighth year for Messick’s Christmas Light Show in Elizabethtown and over $316,000 in total donations collected since its first started in 2012.

100% of the donations collected go to Mennonite Disaster Service, ECHOS (Elizabethtown Community Housing and Outreach Services), Paxton Ministries and the Water Street Rescue Mission.

Messick’s would like to thank everyone who attended, donated and the volunteers that help make the event possible each year.