USDA Crop Progress Shows One Third of Soybeans Blooming
The latest Crop Progress report from USDA shows 31% of soybeans were reported blooming in the week ended July 5, almost four times the 8% reported blooming in the same week last year. Louisiana and Mississippi led the way with 86% and 64% of their soybeans blooming, respectively. This report is the first of the year to begin tracking soybean pod setting progress, which came in at 2%, above the 1% setting this time last year but below the 5 year average of 4%. Soybean crop condition changed only slightly, reporting 57% of crops in "good" condition (below 58% last week) and 14% reported in "excellent" condition (above 13% last week).
A reported 10% of corn crops were silking in the week ended July 5, above the 7% silking this time last year but below the 16% 5 year average. North Carolina and Texas showed the most progress at 70% and 64% of their corn crops silking, respectively. The percentage of corn crops in "good" condition dropped to 54% from 57% in the previous week, while those in "excellent" condition rose just one percentage point to 17%.
Click here for the full report.