Next Instruments CropScanAg Cloud for the CropScan 3300H On Combine Grain Analyzer
To assist farmers to capture their field data off the combine, CropScanAg Solutions has developed a Cloud based web site that automatically collects the field files from the combine for yield, protein, moisture, oil, starch and fiber as well as soil moisture, rainfall and temperature from on farm probes and weather stations. When the CropScan 3300H is connected to the internet using the built in modem, the data is automatically transmitted to the farmer’s personal account in the CropScanAg Cloud.
The farmer and their agronomist can simply access the files from a smart phone, tablet or pc. CropScanAg Solutions also offers a Mapping Service to convert the field files into a complete set of maps across the farm. The maps are then placed back to the farmer’s account where they can be downloaded. CropScanAg Solutions Nutrient Management Service can provide advice and diagnosis of the maps from their soil scientist and agronomist.
To learn more about the CropScanAg Cloud and the CropScanAg Solutions services, visit www.CropScanAg.com.