Farm Equipment

Second 2020 Crop Progress Report: Corn at 3% Planted

April 14, 2020

The second USDA crop progress report, released April 13, shows that corn planting progress is on track with 2019 progress at 3% planted. The percentage of corn planted is tracked among the 18 states that made up 91% of 2019 corn acreage planted.

According to the report, as of April 12, 9 of the 18 states had begun planting their corn. Texas was the furthest along at 63% of its corn crop planted, up compared to 57% planted the previous week and having 56% planted this time last year. North Carolina reported 28% of its corn planted, also up from 6% planted the previous week and 14% planted this time last year. Tennessee and Kentucky each reported 12% of their corn crop planted. Tennessee corn planting rose from 1% in the previous week and fell below last year's 14% planted. Kentucky had no planting record in the previous week and exceeded the 6% planted this time last year. All four states met or exceeded their 2015-19 average for corn planted in this week.

Cotton planting also was ahead of last year, with 9% planted compared to 7% this time last year; the farthest along state was Arizona at 36% planted. A reported 18% of sorghum has been planted, up compared to 15% planted this time last year; the only state with sorghum planting so far is Texas with 60% planted. A reported 10% of sugarbeets are planted, compared to 7% this time last year; Idaho leads the charge with 46% planted. The percentage of winter wheat headed was 6%, compared to 5% this time last year; Texas and Arkansas reported the most winter wheat headed, at 35% and 33% respectively.

Data for soybeans planted will be available in the next Crop Progress report available on April 20.