Farm Equipment

85% of Soybeans in the Bin, But Only Two-Thirds of Corn Acres Harvested

November 13, 2019

As of this past Sunday, soybean growers were in their stretch run for this year’s harvest, but corn growers still had a long way to go.

According to USDA’s Nov. 12, 2019 report, 66% of corn acres had been harvested. This remains far behind 2018’s 83% and the 5 year average of 85%. Progress in Iowa, the largest corn producing state, is below the current national average with only 66% of its acres out of the field. Last year on this date, Iowa growers had 81% of the crop in the bin and the 5 year average for the state is 86% harvested.

Only 39% of South Dakota’s corn is out of the field and only 15% in North Dakota. The 5 year average for South Dakota is 82% for this date and North Dakota’s 5 year average is 76%. Early snowfall and freezing temperatures have hit much of the major growing areas in the middle of the country and is expected to continue hindering harvest progress.

The soybean harvest, meanwhile, is in somewhat better shape.

As of Nov. 10, 85% of soybean acres had been harvested. This compares more favorably with the 87% harvested by this date a year ago and the 5 year average of 92%.

In this case, the major soybean growing states are at above the average. Some 87% of Illinois soybeans have been harvested and 91% of Iowa’s soybean crop is in the bin. Nebraska’s soybean harvest season is nearly over with 96% of acres out of the field. On the other hand, only 72% of Missouri’s soybeans have been harvested, so far.