Farm Equipment

Industry Q&A: The Market Facilitation Program

August 29, 2019

Recently, the USDA announced a second round of payments for the Market Facilitation Program in the amount of $16 billion. What, if any, impact do you anticipate this having on your dealership/business?

“We believe the Market Facilitation Program will have a big impact in most of our markets.  We have several counties in our trade area with payments at or above $100 per acre (assuming all parts are paid).

“Although we do not anticipate sales being above 2018, we believe they would have been substantially down, were it not for the Market Facilitation Program. Also, the 2018 MFP program was a big boost for our business at year-end, as the payment rate for cotton last year was $0.06 per pound and $1.65 per bushel on soybeans.”

— Paul T. Combs, President, Baker Implement Co., Kennet, Mo.

“Of course being in the ag business I am all for the second round of payments. Our customers are hurting financially and now also are hurt by the angry weather this spring. The distribution will most definitely help the cash crop farmer to pay his bills and help him  to stay in business. I do not see them making any machinery or capital expenditures because of it. Probably not until we see the trade agreements set in stone and working successfully.

“My question would involve the dairy farmer. They are hurting the most of my ag customers. What does the Market Facilitation Program do for them? Lots I hope, but have not heard.”

— Larry Krystowski, Sales Manager, Krystowski Tractor, Wellington, Ohio

“I think anytime you have a program that puts cash in a farmer’s hand it will have some benefit. It might at least help him pay his expenses and maybe keep his equipment in working condition, especially when the weather has created a disaster and markets have dropped below a break-even level.”

— Wayne Hunt, President, H&R Agri-Power, Hopkinsville, Ky.

“I see no benefit to my equipment sales because the farmers will have to use this to stay in business.”

— Don Allison, Don Allison Equipment, Arley, Ala.


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