Farm Equipment
Frank Lessiter

Farm Equipment Chairman Frank Lessiter Completes New Book on History of No-Tillage

From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming is a beautiful full-color, hardbound book including over 400+ pages, 650 photos and another 125 visuals.

October 18, 2018

NTF Maverick Book

From Maverick to Mainstream is a chronicling of the personal history that Frank Lessiter, founder of Lessiter Media, the publisher of Farm Equipment, Rural Lifestyle Dealer and Precision Farming Dealer, saw from the near-beginnings, as the 1st and only editor of No-Till Farmer since 1972. The concept of no-till farming was still in its infancy at that time, just 10 years after one “crazy” farmer in Kentucky, Harry M. Young, tried it out on less than 1 acre. Harry’s son, John Young, remembers, “…I was 11 years old then, and didn’t recognize the huge changes that were about to take place in farming… Back in the early days, Frank flew down to our western Kentucky farm on more than one occasion to visit with my father. He was a keen enthusiast for no-till from the beginning, and remains so today.”

From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming contains numerous short items “from the archives” of No-Till Farmer issues and 56 chapters including:

  • Notching the No-Till Milestones Through the Years

    In this chapter, follow an overview of the very beginning of no-till that leads into a visually engaging tillage practice timeline stretching from 1830 to 2017. Walk through the evolution of no-till in an easily read, step-by-step history of all the pivotal events. This chapter leads as a jumping point into a collection of chapters that trail through each decade in greater detail.

  • Meet the No-Till Legends

    Get to know 43 North Americans and 11 individuals from 7 other countries who most contributed to the growth, popularity and acceptance of no-till. Read about these innovators to find out who they are and how they have played a key role in the expansion of no-till all over the world.

  • Plowing is a Practice from the Past

    Learn of the demise of the moldboard, the negatives of plowing, and more. This quirky chapter takes a “stab” at conventional tilling styles still being utilized today. Discover old articles. such as, “How to Spot ‘Habitual Tillers’” and “Just Call Me Irresponsible.” Continue reading, as the next chapter showcases illustrated characters featured in earlier issues of No-Till Farmer — Plowboy Pete and No-Till Ned.

  • Most of the ‘Big Guys’ Spent their Time Bad Mouthing No-Till

    In this chapter, learn about Allis-Chalmers, the first manufacturer to produce a commercially available no-till planter. Explore the equipment companies influence on farmer’s opinions of no-till, like John Deere and their single disc opener. As well as, their early struggles to adapt to what was thought to be a fad.

When you hold the book in your hand, you’ll see that this volume is much more than just a history book. It covers the people and their trials and successes. It will surely be of interest to everyone in agriculture, but also to anyone who enjoys celebrating and cheering on early adopters and underdogs who changed the world. It serves as a lasting reminder of how innovations, and their determined personal champions like those profiled in the book,can still make a difference — through grit, learning and sharing, and the encouragement and support of others.

Order today to get a copy personally signed by Frank Lessiter. With 40-plus years of archival articles, photos, comic strips, ads and infographics, this stunning collection is the perfect gift for any admirer of American innovation.

If you have any questions about From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming, call (866) 839-8455 or email Joanne at Details on From Maverick to Mainstream: A History of No-Till Farming can be found at

About the Author

Frank Lessiter, is also the chairman and editorial director of Lessiter Media, Inc., an agricultural based media company he and his wife Pam founded in Brookfield, Wis., in 1981. Spending his career as an ag journalist, Frank is an award-winning writer, photographer and has been the editor of No-Till Farmer since the very first issue in 1972. He has been recognized by numerous organizations for the adoption of conservation tillage in the U.S. Frank has received awards such as the Outstanding Service to No-Tillage Award in 2015, the S.H. Phillips Distinguished Lecturer in No-Till Agriculture Award in 2011, and numerous writing and photography awards from the American Society of Business Press Editors, Newsletter Clearinghouse, as well as AAEA Farm Publications Editor of the Year and Photographer of the Year.

  • 416 pages, 650 photos and another 125 visuals ... with 56 entries on the Table of Contents
  • Foreword by John Young, son of the late Harry M. Young, who farmed no-till’s first commercial acres
  • To order a signed copy of the book (sold at $47.95), visit