34% of Corn, 32% of Soybean Crop in the Bin
After a one day delay due to Columbus Day, the USDA is reporting that about one-third of both corn and soybean crops had been harvested as of Oct. 7.
As of Sunday, 68% of corn acres were rated as “good” (47%) and “excellent” (21%). This is down 1% from the previous week and up vs. the 5 year average of 64% “good” (49%) and “excellent” (15%). Some 93% of the corn crop is rated as “mature.” This compares with 86% the previous week, 80% a year ago on this date and the 5 year average of 83%.
In the major corn producing states, Missouri is said to have harvested 76% of its crop and Illinois is at 63% harvested. Iowa, the traditional leader in corn production, is lagging with only 15% of its corn crop in the bin.
No change in the condition of this year’s soybean crop was noted from the previous week in the latest USDA Crop Progress report. As of this past Sunday, 49% of soybeans were as “good,” while 19% was considered in “excellent” condition. About 91% of soybeans are reported to be “dropping leaves.” This is up from 83% the week before, 88% a year ago and the 5 year average of 85%.
Illinois farmers have harvested 51% of their crop as of Oct. 7, while Iowa’s growers have only gotten about 18% of its soybeans harvested so far.