Farm Equipment

Both Corn, Soybean Conditions Improve Slightly as Harvest Pace Picks Up

September 24, 2018

As of Sept. 23, 16% of corn and 14% of soybeans have been harvested, according to USDA’s latest Crop Progress report.

The condition of this year’s corn crop is rated at 69% “good” (47%) and “excellent” (22%). That’s up 1% from last week’s reading (47% “good,” 21% “excellent”). Nearly the entire crop (97%) is reported to be dented, up from the previous week’s 93%. This compares with 92% a year ago on this date and the 5 year average of 93%.

Some 72% of corn acres are considered mature, up significantly from the previous week’s rating of 54%. A year ago, only 49% of the crop was rated as mature on this date and the 5 year average is 53%.

The 16% of the crop harvested on this date compares to 9% last week, 10% last year and the 5 year average of 11%. According to USDA, flood ravaged North Carolina has harvested 76% of its corn acres.

As of this past Sunday, 71% of soybeans are said to be dropping leaves, up from 53% the previous week, 60% a year ago and the 5 year average of 57% for this date.

The 14% of soybeans harvested so far compares with 6% a week ago, 9%  for this date a year ago and the 5 year average of 8%.

North Carolina farmers had harvested on 4% of their soybean crop as of this past Sunday.