Condition of 2018 Corn & Soybean Crops Improved Slightly in the Past Week
USDA’s Sept. 9 Crop Progress report was released one day late due to “technical issues.”
Today, the ag agency reported that 5% of the corn crop has been harvested, the same as a year ago for this date, and up slightly from the 3% 5 year average. Nearly all of harvest so far has taken place in four states: Texas (63%), North Carolina (43%), Kentucky (24%) and Tennessee (23%). A few of the bigger corn producing states have started harvesting (Illinois: 4%, Missouri: 12%), but overall little or no harvesting has taken place in Iowa, the largest producer of corn.
The condition of this year’s corn crop improved slightly (+1%) from the previous week, with 69% of corn acres rated as “good” (47%) and “excellent” (21%). Some 86% of the crop is dented. This compares with 75% the previous week, 73% at this point a year ago and the 5 year average of 75%.
About 35% of this year’s crop is rated as mature as of this past Sunday. This is up from 22% a week earlier, 20% a year earlier and the 5 year average of 21%.
For this year’s soybean crop, 31% is reported to be dropping leaves, nearly double from the 16% the prior week. A year ago 20% of the crop was dropping leaves on this date, while the 5 year average is 19%.
The condition of soybean acres improved somewhat from the previous week. As of Sept. 2, 68% of soybeans are rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (18%) vs. 66% the week before (49% “good” and 17% “excellent”). A year earlier, 60% was rated as “good” (49%) and “excellent” (11%).