Feed Mixers Product Roundup 2018
Check out the latest feed mixers from one of the industry's leading suppliers.
JR Grinder Mixer from Art’s Way Mfg.
The all new JR Grinder Mixer is here to meet your needs. Powerful grinding action with only a 40 HP requirement to operate the 12 inch hammer mill will generate your desired particle size. Choose between a 50 or 75 bushel mixing tank, perfect for small batch rations with ingredient control for your operation. Easy to use features, including a 180 degree discharge auger, make the JR a versatile grinding machine for bunk feeding, filling a bulk bin or line feeding on the ground.
Click here for more information.
7165 Grinder Mixer/CATTLEMAXX from Art’s Way Mfg.
This new 4-ton mixing tank from Art’s Way Manufacturing is available with a hammermill or rollermill to provide complete control over your feed processing. Auger extensions allow you to reach your desired height. When choosing self-contained hydraulics, you can operate the discharge auger with a wireless remote. Optional scale indicators allow you to control your pounds accurately on all of our scale-ready sizes. These new features allow you to efficiently grind and mix your rations for different uses.
- Hydraulic oil cooler
- Beefy drive shaft and bearing
- Centralized grease bank
- Double flighting in the transition auger
- 11-gallon hydraulic oil tank
- LED transport lights
- Nonslip ladder
- Plated jack stand
- Tube-style auger feeder
Click here for more information.