Condition of Corn, Soybeans Slips Slightly, But Still in Good Shape
USDA’s latest Crop Conditions report indicates that both corn and soybean crops are both in good shape, though down slightly compared to the previous week.
According to the Aug. 19 reading, 68% of corn acres are in “good” (48%) and “excellent” (20%) shape. This is down 2% from a week earlier when 70% was rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (20%) condition. At this point a year ago, 62% of the corn crop was reported to be in “good” (48%) and “excellent” (14%) condition.
In terms of maturity, the ag agency reports that 85% of the corn crop is in the dough stage. This is up from 73% in the previous week, 74% a year ago and well above the 5 year average of 72%. USDA is also reporting that 44% of the crop is dented vs. 26% a week ago, 27% a year ago and the 5 year average of 26% for this date.
The condition of soybeans is 65% in “good” (49%) and “excellent” (16%) shape. This is down 1% from the previous week when 66% was rated as “good” (50%) and “excellent” (16%) condition and the previous year when 60% was in “good” (50%) and “excellent” (10%) condition.
As of Sunday, Aug. 19, 91% of soybean acres were setting pods, up from 84% the previous week, 86% a year ago on this date and the 5 year average of 83%.