Farm Equipment
john deere R4044 sprayer_0518 copy

John Deere R4044 Sprayer

May 14, 2018

The John Deere R4044 Sprayer has a 1,200 gallon capacity, VF tires for superior traction and reduced soil impact and steel booms up to 120 feet in width. Customers have the option of carbon fiber booms in 120 and 132 foot widths for additional machine weight reduction and increased productivity. A 200 cubic foot drybox option is also available for dry fertilizer applications.

The R4044 Sprayer incorporates the latest guidance technologies, including AutoTrac Vision and AutoTrac RowSense, that improve application accuracy and reduce crop damage and operator fatigue. AutoTrac Vision uses a front-mounted camera to help guide the sprayer wheels down the center of the crop rows early in the season; AutoTrac Row Sense relies on wheel-mounted paddle sensors to help steer the machine down row middles later in the growing season.

The ExactApply nozzle control system allows the sprayer to maintain consistent droplet size and pattern through a wide range of speeds, while reducing the potential for overlaps, skips and drift.

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