Farm Equipment

Hustler Bale Feeders

August 23, 2017

Hustler’s self-loading Bale Feeders allow you to equally feed your cattle with the correct amount of dry hay, baled silage or straw in just minutes without ever plugging, from the comfort of your tractor seat. The bale feeders allow you to only feed what your livestock require, saving the rest for the next feeding, ensuring forage is fresh and waste is minimized. Pasture damage is also minimized, and manure is naturally spread throughout the pasture saving you time repairing pasture and spreading manure. Ranchers are seeing hay savings of as much as 40% compared to traditional methods and because the forage is gently teased apart, the leaf with all its nutrition is retained, saving on nutritional supplements, the company says.

Hustler is actively growing its dealer network and is looking for the ‘right-fit’ dealers who are progressive market leaders not followers, dealers who are taking advantage of the trend towards balage and recognize the importance of margin retention and exclusive territory. If you’re interested in becoming an Accredited Hustler Dealer call (844) 249-2092 or visit to register your interest in becoming a Hustler dealer.