Farm Equipment

Dealers Continue to Make Changes to Improve Parts Operations

June 10, 2017

Dealers were asked what changes they made in the last 3 years to improve the operations and profitability of their parts departments. Their responses were nearly as varied as the number of dealers who participated in the survey. Here’s a sampling of how dealers have changed their parts businesses.

  • “Single parts manufacturer ordering for large orders.”
  • “Central ordering and route trucks.”
  • “Order process — using business system to generate customer orders.”
  • “More staff made things move faster.”
  • “We are using a parts on site program. This stocks parts at the customer’s shop. We also work very closely between departments and between locations, to be as efficient as possible.”
  • “Hired a parts manager who isn’t married to the inventory. If it doesn’t sell, he gets rid of it one way or another.”
  • “Created internal parts reference guides instead of relying on OEM parts lookup tools.”
  • “We established goals.”
  • “We added personnel to supply parts to the service techs.”
  • “Hired new parts director to oversee all locations.”
  • “Centralized stock ordering as well as daily ordering into one location.”
  • “Better surplus return utilization, centralized trucking (eliminated parts route trucks), improved training, better utilization of stock orders with discounts and free freight.”
  • “Getting rid of old inventory and watching inventories closer.”
  • “New LED lighting for a brighter look, cheaper to operate. More AFS training so more people are trained and able to offer it, individual work areas so everyone has their own desk to maintain.”
  • “Min./max. set up cycle counts, carried less inventory, better merchandising on the floor.”
  • “Higher turns, fewer purchases, reduced zero sales.”
  • “We are ordering a lot more on term orders, to get the best price. We are also negotiating better return policies with different vendors.”
  • “Adding freight charges and direct ship charges.”
  • “No discounting to customers or the sales department.”
  • “Expanded bulk oil and DEF sales.”
  • “Made a personnel change and moved our philosophy to a teamwork environment.”
  • “More focus on workshop products, brought attachments into department, stocking more A&I and aftermarket parts to offer better/best for customers.”
  • “Suggestive selling and making courtesy calls on customers.”

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June 2017 Issue Contents

Kanicki dave

Dave Kanicki

Dave Kanicki is the former Editor/Publisher (retired in 2020) Editor & Publisher of Ag Equipment Intelligence (AEI) and its related research, reports and broadcast channels. He joined Lessiter Publications in 2005 after decades of experience as an Editor & Publisher of metals manufacturing titles. His Farm Equipment and AEI work has been nationally recognized by both trade business and business press associations. He is a graduate of Central Michigan University.