Farm Equipment

Farmers Make Up for Lost Ground; 71% of Corn Planted, 32% of Soybeans

May 15, 2017

It looks like U.S. farmers took full advantage of good weather during the past week and made significant progress in getting corn and soybean seeds in the ground.

As of May 14, 71% of corn had been planted, according to USDA’s Crop Progress report on May 15. This compares with 73% a year ago, the 5 year average of 70% and 47% a week earlier.

So far, 31% of corn acres of corn planted has emerged vs. 15% a week ago, 41% a year ago and the 5 year average of 36%.

Good progress was also made with soybean sowings. As of Sunday, 32% of soybean acreage had been planted vs. 14% a week earlier, 34% last year on May 14 and the 5 year average of 32%.

So far, only 8% of soybeans are showing, which is in line with the pace set last year and the 5 year average of 9%.