James River Equipment Planning New Dealership in N.C.
Dealers on the Move is brought to you by the 2017 AMC Engineering Conference for off-highway equipment engineers, April 25th to the 27th in Waterloo, Iowa.
Dealers on the Move
James River Equipment is planning to build a new dealership in High Point, N.C., according to a March 14 report in the Triad Business Journal.
The paper says the project is estimated at between “$6 million to $9 million” by Mark Romer, president of prospective dealership owner James River Equipment.
The dealership is awaiting zoning approval. “We’ve been approved in concept by John Deere,” Romer said. “The key to this thing is to get the zoning. Once we get the zoning and final approval from John Deere, we can get more specific.”
Romer told TBJ that plans for the dealership, which would employ “50 to 60” people, include separate entrances for agricultural (and turf) and construction customers and an indoor facility of between “40,000 and 50,000 square feet.”
James River has 41 John Deere dealerships ag and CE dealerships in the Carolinas and Virginia.