Thunder Creek Raises $16,000 for Farmer Veteran Coalition
PELLA, Iowa – Cleveland-based Miller Quality Produce Inc. won the Farmer Veteran Coalition blind/sealed bid auction for the “Patriot One” Thunder Creek FST 990 fuel and service trailer with a bid of $16,000. All proceeds from the auction go directly to Farmer Veteran Coalition to support its mission of “Mobilizing veterans to feed America”.
The organization provides training, education and access to logistical and financial resources exclusive to veterans with the goal of encouraging members of the Armed Services to enter the agricultural industry. Dan Miller, general manager of Miller Quality Produce, placed the winning bid at the Farm Science Review show in September 2016.
“We are extremely grateful for the generous bid and donation made by Miller Quality Produce,” says Michael O’Gorman, executive director, Farmer Veteran Coalition. “Their commitment to the industry and this cause will help us make real change in the lives of numerous farmer veterans and further raise the profile of agriculture among the veteran community.”
“When we first donated the trailer to Farmer Veteran Coalition, we knew that the agricultural community would support the effort and the organization’s continuing sense of service,” says Luke Van Wyk, national sales manager, Thunder Creek Equipment. “The resulting donation and the generosity of Miller Quality Produce is proof of that.”
Miller Quality Produce Inc. was established in 1936 by Charles Miller. The company works with farms all across the country purchasing fresh market produce.
“Farming has truly become a science and it is a very demanding occupation,” says Dan Miller. “Your work is never done. We are proud to help support the Farmer Veteran Coalition, and I think it should be recognized that Thunder Creek has made this all possible. We will put this trailer to good use fueling our equipment!”
Farmer Veteran Coalition will use proceeds from the Patriot One auction to provide direct assistance and scholarships to veteran members in the early stages of their agricultural career. For more information on Farmer Veteran Coalition, visit FarmVetCo.org.