Farm Equipment

Paris International Agribusiness Show — SIMA 2017 — Set for Feb. 26 – Mar. 2

The international trade show for all technologies and solutions for high-performance and sustainable agriculture, SIMA, Feb. 26 – March 2 has, year after year, progressively become a major international event.

September 8, 2016

SIMA 2017: Global Mobilization

Displaying more interest than ever in the appeal of SIMA and that of its visitors’ profiles, exhibitors from outside France representing 40 countries have signed up in great numbers for the exhibition. More than 40 new companies have registered to date, including Lovol Arbos Group, a Sino-Italian firm and Korean companies Tongyang and Kamico.

Other noteworthy initiatives are the first-time participations of Finland, Indonesia and Japan, the launch of two new pavilions representing China and North America, and the substantial increase in the exhibition space of certain countries such as Italy, Ireland and the Czech Republic.

SIMA to Feature ‘Dealer Day’

As an event aimed at all forms of agriculture, SIMA 2017 will be holding several events relating to the big global challenge for years ahead: “Producing more, better.” The SIMA Dealers’ Day-ting, a day dedicated to informal meetings between exhibitors and dealers from all over the world in association with SEDIMA and CLIMMAR and including a focus on the job of dealers in 10 years. SIMA 2017 will also feature International Meetings, offering visitors a cross-section of perspectives from all forms of agriculture with the help of contributors from a range of countries.

  • 1,740 companies from 40 countries
  • 238,848 visits from 142 countries
  • 300 international delegations
  • 92% visitor satisfaction rate

*Source: SIMA 2015

For more information on the 2017 event, visit