Farm Equipment

McFarlane Mfg. to Auction Special Incite Universal Tillage Tool to Support Local Honor Flight Group

August 29, 2016

Sauk City, WI, (AgPR) —McFarlane Mfg. Co.has announced the final details for the sale of the INCITE 5000 Series Universal Tillage Tool on the “Auction Time” website. The direct link to bid is located at

The unit was built to help support the Sauk Prairie Badger Flight scheduled for Sept. 24, 2016. Proceeds from the sale of the unit will be donated to the Sauk Prairie Operation Eagles’ Wings Heroes for Honor Program. A second flight is being scheduled for 2017.

The “Honor Flight” INCITE 5000 Series Universal Tillage Tool is listed on the “Auction Time” website (Lot # 6788). Proxy Bidding opens on Friday, Aug. 26. Live bidding opens Monday Aug. 29 at 5:00PM CST. The “Honor Flight” Incite will be on display at the Farm Progress Show in Boone Iowa, Aug. 30-Sept.1 on the McFarlane Mfg. lot (#708). Final bidding ends “live” from the show on Wednesday, Aug. 31at 12:17PM CST.

McFarlane’s factory personnel donated their time for manufacturing and assembly.  Supplier donations and cash contributions from McFarlane’s employees, customers and other industry contacts helped offset the manufacturing costs.